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Welcome & Organization

On this site you will find some general information, a script and the exercises for the lab and the lecture of the Elective .Net Framework and C# (.Net) of Prof. Dr. Ute Trapp at University of Applied Sciences Darmstadt, Germany. The workload of this module for a typical efficient working student with the corresponding pre knowledge is 5 ECTS, i.e. ~115h (about 3 weeks).

Objective of the Lab

In this lab you will learn a new framework and the programming language C#. In addition you will realize a small app using the technologies discussed. We expect you to apply your knowledge of OOAD, SWE -- here, you find the lecture slides of both modules. In addition, you need everything you learned in HCI, Databases and probably all other mandatory modules of the first four semesters. In HCI we focused on the user, in this course we focus on a proper architecture.


During the last two labs you will work on a small project in a team of four students. You should develop something useful, which does not exist in this form. Technically, you will

  • develop a cross-platform application based on MVVM (Avalonia or MAUI)
  • good UX
  • localized (de/en)
  • implement a back-end using Entity Framework and Azure
  • implement four reasonable unit tests (each team member one)

Lecture and theory

For the lecture you need to come prepared (see Moodle). Sometimes I will give a short input. Most of the time, we discuss special issues and work on some programming tasks to dive into the new framework. I will do some live coding as well. Although you will find a script in the theory part of this site, I expect you to come to the lectures and fill the gaps and to discuss different approaches. As cognitive learning requires reflection and discussion.

Many topics addressed in this course you will find in the following books (just sign in using your hda-address and you will have free access)

Lab sessions

The lab sessions will cover the following topics

Carrying out the Lab

You are expected to use your private notebook (Windows, Mac or Linux) and a gitlab repository, which you will get before the lab sessions.

Preparation and Follow-up

In each lab description you will find a preparation. It is essential that you have dealt extensively with that preparation before the lab date. During the first three labs you will work in a random team of four students on an application which I specify at the beginning of the lab, i.e. you have to develop running software within three hours.

Moodle Tasks (PVL)

Synchronized with the lecture you will find tasks in Moodle. They are mandatory and part of the PVL.


For general questions use the Moodle Forum. For individual questions use the lab, lecture and on demand consultation hour.

Do not hesitate to communicate with the lecturer in case of any problems or questions. A lively communication is explicitly encouraged.


The source code and infrastructure of the page is based on the material of Ralf Hahn, Stefan Ruehl and others I am not aware of.

This website was created using MkDocs, Markdown und Visual Studio Code and rendered with Material Theme for MkDocs.